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    Umlani Blog

White lion cubs born

Posted by Umlani Bush Camp News on Sat November 26, 2011.

The Umbabat is a nature reserve that borders the Timbavati to the north and forms part of the Greater Kruger National Park.

The cubs were born into the Jacaranda pride and are the first white lions to be seen in this area since 1993. These lions are snow white in colour, born to normal tawny lions, but are not albinos. The phenomenon is known as Leukopathy and is a recessive gene that was first documented by Chris McBride in the Timbavati in the 1970s and only sporadic sightings since that time have led to lengthy debates about the relevance of breeding projects and the possibilities of re introducing these lions into the wild.

Although these natural white lion births have therefore generated considerable excitement we fully intend to treat these lions as any other, although they will be monitored closely and when they enter our extended traversing area we eagerly await the radio call and the first game drive sighting.

For more, please see the Timbavati Nature Reserve blog